Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Tender Mercy

Well, Sister Twede started her mission to Everett, Washington today. We dropped her off at 1:30pm to the Provo MTC. Whenever we drop missionaries off there, we drive to the top of Provo Temple Hill to say our final goodbyes and take pictures. For some reason, no one else thinks to go up there. Once again, we had the hill all to ourselves. It was awesome. We took some pictures, had a few tears and then went down to the MTC.

As we entered, sister missionaries were lined up and waving to us as we drove in. One by one they are assigned a car to follow as they come to a stop and help the sister with her bags. Before we left home, I had written on all the windows in car paint.

When I did the same thing for Darrick and Brielle, I only wrote their names on the back of the car. But, for some reason, I also wrote Bethany's name on the SIDE of the car. So, when we pulled into the parking garage, a sister that was assigned to the car in front of us looked over her shoulder and did a double take. Bethany recognized her and started screaming with delight. And the sister (Sister Mitchell) started screaming also. She quickly switched with the sister assigned to our car and came running over. Bethany put down the window and they held hands while we continue to drive to our stopping point. She said to Bethany, "I've been watching for you all day! I knew you were coming today. You are in my zone. Aaahhhh!!!" They were both so excited. Sister Mitchell was such a sweetheart and gave Bethany a huge hug when she got out of the car! She made that hard transition so much easier for us. Bethany had a huge smile as she said goodbye to us and was so happy as she entered the MTC to start her mission. It truly just does not get any better than that! Go get 'em, Sister Twede! We love you soooo much!