Monday, October 26, 2020

"Facebook is like selling lemonade on the side of the freeway." -Elder Hatch

Family and friends,

Wow, time has really been flying by! It's been so great!


- We made a new friend!! We are probably going to be passing him off to some other sisters soon though because he lives in their area. But we made a new friend!

- We went to Denny's and a pumpkin patch on Monday!

- We got to join a devotional with John Bytheway! It was super awesome!

- We had a super awesome training on Thursday to learn more about how we can better connect with people on Facebook! 

- Someone just paid for our meal at IHOP (blessings!)

šŸ„¤Spiritual JuicesšŸ„¤

So my past couple emails I've talked a lot about loving others. Well today, we will hit another aspect of this blessed topic: LOVE YOUR ENEMIES! We all have someone that we just can't seem to get along with, much less love. But in 3 Nephi 12:44, Jesus Christ tells the people " your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you;"

Think about that for a second. Jesus Christ is asking us to raise to a higher level of loving others. He's telling us to love LITERALLY everyone! He's asking us to put aside our prejudices and look at everyone as a child of God. Because truth is, we don't know the whole story, God does and He still loves all His children so let's all try to love our enemies, bless those that curse us, do good to those who hate us, and pray for all those who persecute us. It makes the world a much better place!

I love and miss you all and I hope you have the greatest week!

Let God Prevail

Kia Kaha,

Sister Twede:)

Fun at the Pumpkin Patch

We cherish every blue sky day!

Set up for one of our meetings

Fanny Pack Friday!

Monday, October 19, 2020


 Family and friends!

Well, well, well it's been another good week! So many good things!


- SHARON GOT BAPTIZED!! So a year ago Sister VanDenakker and I met Sharon. She was so ready to get baptized right as we met her and on Sunday it finally happened! We got to tune in virtually and it was so good!

- Sister Vivas turned 20! Woot woot! We had a little party and taught her family, so it was really fun!

- We got to do service for one of our members. We helped her organize her food storage and let's just say I know where I'm going if the apocalypse happens...

- We also helped a lady move and found some pretty old cell phones!

šŸ„¤Spiritual JuicesšŸ„¤

Watching Sharon's baptism was the best part of my week. It was so cool because as soon as she came out of the water, she started cheering! It was the most precious thing! But all during her baptism the Spirit was so strong. I knew that all the things that I have been learning through put my life and teaching and testifying about are true! This is the most important thing! I also realized how grateful I am for the opportunity that I have, not only now but throughout my life, to share the joy I feel that comes from the gospel. 

I was also reading the the Book of Mormon this week and I wanted to share this scripture that really touched me. 

1 Nephi 17:3

"And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them; wherefore, he did provide means for us while we did sojourn in the wilderness."

I know that as we keep the commandments of the Lord, He will provide a way for us to accomplish what He has asked and He will give us the strength to do it. TRUST. IN. HIM. 

I love and miss you all and hope you have the best week so far!

Let God Prevail

Kia Kaha,

Sister Twede:)

The Brick

Coconut Kenny's is the!

Fanny Pack Friday (still going strong!)

We ate lunch at a pumpkin patch!

Picnic in the car.

Zoom Birthday Party


Monday, October 12, 2020

Back At It Again

 Family and friends,

Well I honestly can't remember half of what happened this week, but it was a good one! 


- WE GOT TO GO TO CHURCH!! That was super awesome! The weirdest part was probably that we could not shake hands with people but it was still great!

- Our bishop spoke and related fortnite to the gospel. Pretty skilled if you ask me! I don't think I could have pulled that out of a fanny packšŸ˜‚!

- We had some really awesome discussions with people about Conference! It was so great!

- ‼Little Miracle‼ Our ward mission leader told us about a couple that lives behind the church that missionaries have come in contact with that he thought might be interested in talking to us. But, he didn't have a phone number. Since we can't go knocking, we thought we were all out of luck. But then Sister Vivas had the idea to look them up on Facebook and guess what?! WE FOUND THEM!! We are going to reach out to them so stay tuned!

šŸ„¤Spiritual JuicesšŸ„¤

Many of you may know that I used to be a very competitive swimmer. I absolutely love swimming, I loved racing. The thrill of coming into the wall after a race after giving all you've got was the best feeling (unless you got a bad time then it was rough, but that's besides the point). But I couldn't get to those meets and do well just by showing up and praying really hard right before. Oh heavens no. It took hours upon hours of training, getting up at 4:30am, after school practices, sets that I thought would literally kill me, building endurance, eating right, some how getting enough sleep, and a whole lot motivation. It took a lot of work and preparation to be able to perform well at my meets. Even though I dreaded every time my alarm went off or when my coach wrote the main set up on the board, they all were worth it in the end. EVERY PAIN WAS WORTH IT! I put faith in my coaches to know that they knew what was best for me as a swimmer and at the end of a good race, I knew they knew what they were talking about. This is the same in life. We have a coach, Heavenly Father, who tells us what is going to help us reach our ultimate goal, eternal life. We must put our faith in Him, trusting that He knows how to help us get there. In this last General Conference Elder Holland said this:

"Faith means trusting God in good times and bad, even if that includes some suffering until we see His arm revealed in our behalf."

Heavenly Father sees everything perfectly. All the struggles you face in this life "shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good." (D&C 122:7) Trust in Him and hold on in good times and in bad. He's there with you through it all!! I know this because I've seen His hand help me in my darkest moments. I love and miss you all! If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for youšŸ˜‰

Kia Kaha

Sister Twede:)

Fanny Pack Friday!

The rest of these are things I put together this week.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Transfers, Flight Plans and CONFERENCE!

Family and Friends! 

This week was THE BEST!! I hope y'all were able to enjoy Conference and if you weren't go watch it! If you have no idea what I'm talking about go to the! It was so amazing!


- GENERAL CONFERENCE!!! Literally so amazing! Go watch it.

- Transfers were on Tuesday. This was actually sad because Sis VanDenakker is amazing! But I'm now with Sis Vivas and she's so awesome! She's is from Texas and was originally called to the Everett mission! We already get along well!

- My mom got my flight plans so now she actually knows when I'm coming home haha. I'll be coming home Dec 14th! It's really weird to be so close to the end because I still feel like I'm in my first 6 months! But I've loved every second and am so grateful for the things I'm continuing to learn! Missions are the best, they're hard like no other but that's also what makes them so great. 

- We had interviews with our president but we did it as companionships. We did a role play with Sis Auna and Sis Vivas and I did really well for only being together for 2 days!

šŸ„¤Spiritual JuicesšŸ„¤

There are so many things that I learned from Conference but I don't really have that kind of time to type it all out and I'm sure y'all don't have that kind of time to read a 10 page essay haha! But something I do want to talk about, that I also talked about in last week's email, is God's love for you and those around you. We live in a world full of hate, anger, back biting, and fear. It's scary! I know I wonder how it has gotten so bad and what could possibly help heal the wounded hearts of so many around us. The answer is simple: LOVE! God loves each and everyone of His children; no matter who they are, where they come from, what they look like, what bumper sticker they have on their car, HE DOESN'T CARE! What He cares about is the actual person, the individual being! I love this quote from President Nelson from Conference

“Each of us has a divine potential because each is a child of God. Each is equal in His eyes. The implications of this truth are profound. Brothers and sisters, please listen carefully to what I am about to say. God does not love one race more than another. His doctrine on this matter is clear. He invites all to come unto Him, ‘black and white, bond and free, male and female’ (2 Nephi 26:33).”

So what is holding us back from loving our "neighbor as thy self"? What ever it may be pray for the Lord's help to overcome the natural man and see others as God does. I know it may seem like you can't make a whole lot of difference by yourself but let me tell you, to be able to change the world you have to first start with changing the man in the mirror. (You should also go listen to that Michael Jackson song;)

Anyway I love and miss you all and hope you have the best week! 

Kia Kaha,

Sister Twede:)



Morning walk and we can't see anything!

Vivas and Twede

Fanny Pack Friday!