Monday, April 27, 2020

It's Go Time!

Family and Friends!

Hey y'all! Well, this is I think week 4 or 5 in quarantine? I don't know, I feel like it's been forever. Nothing too exciting happened this week to be honest. We are still pretty busy between teaching lessons and making Facebook posts. So I will spare you from reading a boring email...haha.

I did however want to share some things I've been learning. Something that has been super prominent in my studies is the importance of action. Lately, I haven't been too good at this so that's probably why it came up a lot this week. Funny how that works. Anyway, I've been reading in 1 Nephi the past couple weeks and there are countless times where Nephi or Lehi act on personal revelation and commandments they are given from the Lord. One time in particular jumps out to me. It's in 1 Nephi 2:2-3 and it says:
"2 And it came to pass that the Lord commanded my father, even in a dream, that he should take his family and depart into the wilderness.
3 And it came to pass that he was obedient unto the word of the Lord, wherefore he did as the Lord commanded him."
And then it goes on in verse 4 saying how he departed into the wilderness.

But the point I wanted to make is that Lehi receives a commandment from the Lord and then what does he do? HE ACTS! He gets out of there as soon as he can! Then you've got Nephi in the next chapter saying "I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded" and he continues to do that no matter where he is, whether he's tied up by his brothers or not. He acts on the commandments and revelations he's given by the Lord right away! He doesn't wait 5-10 business days to do it. He drops everything and moves his feet. I can't tell you how important it is to act on things the Lord tells you to do right away and not just wait till you're ready. I know that once we overcome the fears we have about the things, the Lord tells us to do what we can to become who He knows we can become. I'm striving to overcome my fears and do what the Lord needs me to do. It's hard but the hardest things make us into the best versions of ourselves. I know He has a plan for each and everyone of you and has things that only you can accomplish because of the gifts and talents you have been given. Pray hard and then get up and work harder. I love and miss you all and hope y'all have the best week! I hope that all made sense😂

Kia Kaha
Sister Twede:)

Best day of the week!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Zone Conference X 6

Family and Friends!!

Well, this is week 3 of quarantine and man was it crazy! Here's what went down:

Monday: Normal, chill pday in the apartment.

Tuesday: So, because Sister Snowder and I are two of the "Social Media Specialists" in our mission, we had to go to all the Zone Conferences to help tell the missionaries what the deal is with the Facebook pages. So we had Zone Conference #1 in the morning and #2 in the afternoon! We were kind of dead after, but we were able to make through the rest of the day.

Wednesday: Sister Snowder and I instructed for Zone Conferences 3&4. They went really well and the missionaries got some good ideas rolling! We then had some good member lessons that night and invited them to go like and follow the FB page!

Thursday: Zone Conferences 5&6 all done! We then had a good lesson with one of our members about Come Follow Me. And then we had a meeting with the Marysville stake presidency that night. Yay for more meetings....

Friday: We had some lessons with people from back home which was so awesome! I got to call my neighbors and teach them a lesson which was so fun! We also had a lesson with one of the missionaries that had to come home. He is so awesome and still just trying to do all he can to keep the missionary spirit. We are going to try and invite him into lessons we have so we'll see how that goes!

Saturday: We made 2 new friends! A member contacted us and told us he had a friend from work that he told about the Book of Mormon and is interested in hearing an uplifting message from us. Then he also told us that his friend was inviting one of his friends! They are so awesome! They both were super open to reading the Book of Mormon and learning more so we have a lesson with them again next week! We are so pumped!

Sunday: We had a devotional with our ward and I was asked to share my testimony of the Savior. It was still so neat that the spirit could still be felt even over technology! The church is true y'all! We also got to finally take the sacrament and I didn't realize how much I needed it until I heard the prayer for the bread. It's amazing the peace and comfort that comes from partaking of the sacrament.

Well, that was pretty much the week y'all. I know this whole quarantine thing can be hard but something that my dad told me early on in my mission was "it came to pass, it didn't come to stay". This won't last forever but don't just wish this time away. This is the time to strengthen you relationship with your earthly family and your heavenly family. I know our Heavenly Father loves each and every one of you. He is mindful of every situation. Turn to Him in all things. I love you all and hope y'all had a good week! Keep me updated on y'alls lives!

Kia Kaha
Sister Twede:)

Shadow Time (rare because it's always cloudy)

Best book ever!

Pickin' weeds

Fanny Pack Friday!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Easter!

Family and friends!

Hey y'all! How is everyone doing? I hope it was a good week in quarantine! This week was a little crazy up here in Washington! Here's what happened:

Monday: Nothing too exciting.

Tuesday: We had MLC (mission leadership council) in the morning. We had a good discussion about what we all learned at General Conference and the things we are implementing into our lives. We then had a lesson with one of our members later that day and a lesson with our friend Jonny that night! We talked about the Holy Ghost and how he can bring things we learn or experience to our remembrance. Jonny really liked that!

Wednesday: We had District Council in the morning which was so good! We talked a lot about faith and experiences we've had where we've had to act in faith. Right after District Council we had a meeting with the mission department about some new online things we are going to be doing in missionary work. It was a whole lot of information in just 2 hours but pretty much we are going to be using Facebook a whole lot more in missionary work! Sister Snowder and I are "Social Media Specialists" in our mission with 2 other companionships that will be helping our mission get this all going. Crazy! After the training, we had a lesson with our friend Janet and it went so well!! She is seriously so awesome and she just loves everything we've been teaching her. We talked about the Plan of Salvation and the Atonement and she just loved it! It was such a good lesson.

Thursday: We spent a lot of the day getting Facebook pages made and posting on them. We had a lesson with our friend Chris that night and he is so ready to be baptized. He already knows everything and has a testimony of it and so last week we asked him why he hasn't gotten baptized yet and he said because of Corona. He's been taught by missionaries before so we are just going through all the lessons with him to make sure he's ready.

Friday: We had another meeting in the morning with the other Social Media Specialists and President Auna to talk about how we want to tell all the missionaries about the Facebook pages and other things they can do. We then had some good lessons with members about General Conference. It's so interesting to see what everyone got out of Conference! Almost everyone got something different and that just shows me that God is so mindful of each and everyone of us. He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. IT'S AMAZING!!

Saturday: We made a couple videos for the Facebook pages which was fun! And then we had a couple more lessons with members and weekly planning.

Sunday: EASTER!! I love Easter and the time that we had to remember and celebrate our Savior. While on my mission, I have truly loved being able to teach people about their Savior. The hope and joy that lights up their eyes as we teach them that they can be forgiven, comforted, or strengthened because of their Savior is remarkable. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the ultimate message of hope. I know that because He lives we can find peace in this life, we can be forgiven, and we can "hope for a better world" (Ether 12:4). I know my Savior is walking beside me every step of my life, and carrying me when I can't walk. I know He loves me more than I could ever imagine. I KNOW HE LIVES!!

I love and miss you all and hope this week is full of joy even in these hard times. I know that God is in control and because of that there is no need to fear. Have an amazing week and keep me updated on all y'all's lives!

Kia Kaha
Sister Twede:)

Sister Snowder's mom sent us good food after fasting!

Masks Part 1

Masks Part 2

Selfie while taking videos!

Fanny Pack Friday!

Easter Dinner

Masks Part 3

Corona ain't getting Sister Snowder!!

Monday, April 6, 2020

This is True!

Family and friends!

This week was pretty good and Conference was amazing! And because it was so amazing, this week's email is going to be a little different than what I usually do so I hope this all makes sense.

I want to start off by stating the obvious: THIS IS THE TRUE CHURCH! I know this with all my heart. After centuries of the gospel being lost from the world, a 14-year-old, who had the desire to know, knelt and asked God which church was true. He did in fact see God the Father and Jesus Christ and through him the fullness of the gospel was restored to the earth, never to again be removed! The Book of Mormon is "the most correct of any book on earth" and by reading it we can "get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than any other book." (Introduction to the Book of Mormon) Through the Book of Mormon, I have come to know my Savior and the role He plays in my life. I know that I am a beloved daughter of God with a divine destiny. I know the things that I must do to be able to return to my Heavenly Father. I know that because our Heavenly Father loves us He gives us a living prophet to warn us and give us hope for things to come. President Nelson is that prophet today and by following him we will never lead astray.

I love being a missionary and having a front row seat to how it changes the lives of those we teach. I love watching the light come into their eyes as they learn that they have a loving Heavenly Father and a Savior who suffered and died for them so they can find hope and joy throughout their life. I know that this is for our time and for each and every one of us. I love you all and hope you had the best week! And if you missed Conference go watch it! Keep me updated on y'all's lives!

Kia Kaha,
Sister Twede:)

PS if you want your email changed just let me know!

We got to go for a drive and BLUE SKIES!

Face masks for Corona.

You already know:).

Conference from our apartment.

Face masks for fun!