Monday, October 28, 2019

Snake Attack and Stuff

Family and Friends!

Hey y'all! I hope everyone had a good week! It was kind of slow here, but still good.

Monday: We played volleyball with our district and that was way fun! I love just hanging out with other missionaries. We also had a member from Oak Harbor make us lunch and she's Samoan so you know it was good stuff! We then had two awesome lessons later that night with some of our recent converts.

Tuesday: We had a slow day. Nothing too exciting happened except we did see a less active that night and she told us that she really wants to come back to church! Awesome right?! Well then she told us some concerns she had about coming to church so we tried to help her understand the importance of church is the sacrament and why we should partake of it every week.

Wednesday: It was a good day. We had an awesome time at district council and I learned so much about how to better teach our friends the gospel. It was awesome! After that we did our studies and had a really good lesson with Sis Davis and then a had a really good finding time. We talked to some people and invited them to church so that was good! After that we went to a members house and had a quick lesson with them. While we were talking one of their relatives, who's not a member, was there and after he turned to us and said "I have a question" and of course we were like "ask away!" And he said "so what do you guys believe?" AHHHH! YAAAS! (Silent victory dance in my head) so we said, "Well, we believe that we have a loving Heavenly Father..." and gave a short version of the restoration. It was so awesome! We read from the Introduction of the Book of Mormon and then asked if he would like to learn more and he said "yeah sure". It was awesome and the spirit was so strong! So we set up another time to meet and invited him to read the rest of the Introduction. So stay tuned with what happens next with our new friend, Gary.

Thursday: Nothing too exciting. We went out and had a lesson with the Belkonens, who we've been teaching for a while, and it went alright. We are still trying to get them to come to church so we'll see how that goes. But we did talk a lot about the Atonement and how it can help us in our lives.

Friday: So you may be wondering why I put "snake attack" in my subject line and so far there has been no snake reference, well here it is. We went and did service at the zoo and Dave asked us to clean the glass on the snake cages. Already I wasn't excited because I don't like the reptile room but because I'm a good person and trying to concur fears, we did it. So, as we were cleaning everything was ok and I wasn't freaking out too much until...(dun dun duuun) I sprayed one cage and as soon as I put my hand on the glass this king cobra whips its head up and strikes the glass right where my hand was! Yeah, naturally I freaked out and almost ran out of there. So yeah, that is the funny story for this week. Later that day though we had a lesson with our friend Renee and it went so well! She said to us that she feels like the Book of Mormon is true but she hasn't prayed to know yet. So we asked her to pray to know if it's true every time she reads this week. She said she would because she really wants to know. YAYAYAY!

Saturday: We pretty much did weekly planning most of the day but then had two really good lessons that night with the Reyburns and Pam. It was an awesome way to finish out the day!

Sunday: I had a really good day! Church was great and I felt like the talks that were given were just for me. Renee came to church as well and she said that some of the things said solidified some things for her! She also told us that she had really been praying and has had some good experiences! I love seeing her grow in the gospel and really want to learn more.

Well that was pretty much the week! In one of our comp studies this week, Sis VanDenakker and I were talking about the importance of the Book of Mormon in conversion. The Book of Mormon is the most important part when it comes to becoming fully converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is through its words that we can find peace, comfort, and everlasting happiness in our lives. I know that it is true and I invite each of you to take Moroni's challenge to heart every time you read its words. I know through reading the Book of Mormon everyday you can come closer to your Heavenly Father and your Savior. I love and miss you all and hope you have a great week!

Kia Kaha,

Sister Twede

Fall is the best

Another selfie because...why not??

Selfie at the marina

Sloths would be scary if they were fast...just sayin....

Fanny pack Friday

Monday, October 21, 2019


Family and friends!

Hey hey hey! It's your girl from Washington! I hope everyone had a great week! This week for me was pretty crazy but SO GOOD! So here's what happened:

Monday: We just took it easy and talked with family pretty much all of pday. We then had some pretty awesome lessons that night! We met with the Hogges, they are members and super awesome. We talked about the plan of salvation with them and how it's blessed their life having the knowledge of the plan. We then met with the Landerman-Moores and had a great lesson with them as well. Then our last lesson was with the Johnsons and it was Brother Johnson's birthday, so they pulled out this super good ice cream cake. So that was pretty fun!

Tuesday: Amazing day! We had a combineD companionship study with our sister training leaders, Hermana Penrod and Hermana Stewart. They are so amazing and I love them so much, it was so fun having them study with us. So jumping ahead a little, we were out finding that night and one of our members, Sister Salas, called us. We missed her first call so we called her back and she said that we had to go over to her apartment and give her neighbor a Book of Mormon. So we ran over there and walked in and her neighbor, Renee, told us that she felt like she should read the Book of Mormon! She explained to us that she's in a really rough spot right now, but she thinks this could help. So of course we said, "This can definitely help you!" So we gave her a Book of Mormon and asked her to read the introduction before we meet with her again and she said she will and asked us if we were going to read it as well and we said we will. It was amazing! She had already started reading it before we even walked out the door!

Wednesday: We had district council in the morning and that was pretty great! Finding time wasn't all that exciting but I tried to work on really listening to the Spirit and understanding where the Lord needs us to go. Let's just say it's a lot easier said then done, but it's possible. We did get to visit two less actives and share a message with each of them and they both went really well! We then went to the ward mission leader's house for the Mt. Erie ward and talked about how we can best find people to teach. It was good to get some new ideas and see what can change to find the elect.

Thursday: Kind of a weird day. We tried doing some street contacting but let me tell you something, Anacortes is like a small town kind of area so there aren't a lot of people just out and about to street contact to say the least. So we didn't talk to that many people but we tried. Process of elimination. That night we went out and visited a member who neither of us really knew and it was the most amazing experience. This member has really been struggling and she was so grateful that we came by and over joyed when we shared a scripture with her. She has some health issues so it's hard for her to read her scriptures so we are going to go back and help her set up gospel library on her phone so she can listen to it! Technology is amazing.

Friday: We had the new missionary training pretty much all day and man it was awesome! I learned so much and so did Sister VanDenakker. We both shared the things we took away on the ride home and how we can best help each other and our friends. It was amazing. I already can tell this is going to be a good companionship!

New missionary training squad
Saturday: It was an up and down day. We had a Relief Society event that morning that was super good and then we had a lesson with our new friend Renee! It was awesome! When we got to her house we asked her how her reading went and she just looked at both of us and said "Man I hope this is true"! AHHHH! She told us how it just made so much sense and she loved it. I had the thought to invite her to be baptized and then she said "I want to be baptized"! It was amazing! She just had this light about her that wasn't there the first time we met her. We told her that we can help her work towards baptism and learn the things she need to know to get there. It was so amazing and she was so excited to read more! Both Sis VanDenakker and I just knew that she was prepared for this. On the flip side, our friend Jason texted us right before our lesson with him and said he can't meet with us anymore. He thanked us for all we had done for him but said he can't continue the lessons. That was really sad because it was a shock to us. He was doing so well and then all of a sudden he just said that. Satan is a sneaky man, but I know one day Jason will be able to learn more again.

Sunday: Our friend Renee came to church! She only stayed for sacrament but she said she liked it! She came with Sister Salas and was wearing a dress and everything. It was so awesome! We had a couple meetings after and then went to dinner at the Hanson's. They are such an awesome family! Their daughter made a ton of pumpkin cookies, and if any of you know me, you know I love pumpkin cookies, so I was pretty happy and they sent us home with some too! We shared a scripture with them that talked about how God speaks to us. We then talked about the importance of personal revelation and understanding how we each receive it. The spirit was so strong it was amazing!

Well that's pretty much the week! I just want so say that I know the importance of living what you know to be true. As we live the gospel out loud that is when we are able to bring others unto Christ. Living the gospel is what brings us the most joy and happiness and when we do that all day everyday, no matter were we are, others will see the light that shines from you. I love what the Savior says in 3 Nephi 18:24:
"Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up—that which ye have seen me do. ..."
Hold up your light! You are a son or daughter of Heavenly parents and that is something to be proud of and to help others come to know as well. I love and miss you all and hope you have a great week! Feel free to send me your experiences throughout the week!

Kia Kaha,
Sister Twede:)

The rain has begun!
Hey! That's my name!

I still LOVE FALL!!

Fanny Pack Friday

Monday, October 14, 2019

On The Flip Side

Family and Friends!

Well this week was crazy and hard. So here's what went down:

Monday: We got our transfer text and confirmed the Sis Cluff was leaving. We thought she was, but that sealed the deal. So, we got our stuff done and played volleyball with our zone and that was super fun! It reminded me of playing it with my district in the MTC which was always a party and full of laughs. After that we had our regular lessons that night and Sis Cluff said goodbye to them which was so sad I almost started crying. Let's just say I'll probably be a wreck when I actually have to leave. Once we got back home, Sis Cluff started packing.

Tuesday: Lots of goodbyes and packing to say the least. I just kept thinking about the fact that my new companion was on her way to Washington all day. SO WEIRD! I was just there 12 weeks ago! It was just really weird. But we went and saw some members that night that Sis Cluff wanted to say goodbye to and then packed up the rest of her stuff.

Wednesday: TRANSFERS! We headed down to the mission office that morning and then I went into the chapel with the other trainers and we met our new companions. My comp is Sis VanDenakker and she's from Layton UT and is the sweetest! It all happened so fast compared to when I came out. We got to introduce them to other missionaries that were there for transfers and then we went to work. We went and saw Sis Davis and Sis VanDenakker killed it! We didn't have a scripture planned to share so I thought of one as we were talking and she just jumped right in and shared her thoughts and testimony. It was so awesome! She's amazing and just ready to jump in and try things.

On our way to transfers

Sister VanDenakker, Me, and Sister Cluff

Thursday: We went to District Council and that was great. We then had a lesson with our friends the Belkonens and that went pretty well. We read the Book of Mormon with them and talked about prayer. Donna and Tina both read some verses and that was really awesome. We didn't have a very exciting finding time that day. There weren't a lot of people willing to talk or home but ya know that happens.

Friday: We went to the Zoo for service and it was Sis VanDenakkers first time so that was super fun. We did some weeding and cleaned the windows or the sloth cage. We did our studies when we got back and then finding time was awesome! We talked to 3 people that were pretty interested! 2 of them had studied with missionaries before. One person saw us from across the road and asked if we were Jehovah's witness😂...nope definitely not! But we got to talk with her and she said she would come and check out our church service sometime! We gave her our card and then she also said she might need help moving some boxes out of storage and we were like "we'd love to help you!" So that was awesome! The rest of the night was weekly planning so yeah....

Fanny Pack Friday

Saturday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST MOM IN THE WORLD!! I hope it was the best day ever! Lots of weekly planning again but we got to visit a less active member who is in a rehab center and she was so happy that we came by. We were able to have a really good lesson with her and she told us to come back soon. We had a dinner appointment with the activity day girls but only one was able to make it but it was still so fun! The member who's house we were at had the cutest Halloween decorations! She had plates, cups, napkin rings, napkins and whole shebang! Her whole house was decked out! It was pretty awesome! We then had a lesson with Pam and talked about the importance of personal revelation. It is so important for us to know how our Heavenly Father speaks to us because, as our prophet has said, we won't be able to survive without it in these last days.

Sunday: Church was so good and definitely what I needed! Training is hard and I have learned how much I need my Savior's help and that through the Atonement He can help me to help Sis VanDenakker. She has already taught me so much and I can't wait to see what we can do in this area.

Well, that was the crazy week. Like I said before, training is hard and I'm seeing the flip side of helping a brand new missionary become the best missionary she can be. I have learned to put my trust in my Heavenly Father because He knows her and the people in our area the best. He knows where we need to be and who is prepared to hear the truth. I love the gospel and that I am out here sharing the light of Christ with those around me. I hope you all have a good week and feel free to keep me updated on y'alls lives! I love and miss you all!

Kia Kaha
Sister Twede:)


Anacortes city lights

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Student Becomes the Teacher....WHAT?

 Dear Family and Friends,

Well it's been a crazy week that's all I can say. So we are just going to jump right in:

Monday: We had to move our pday because we went to the temple so it was just a normal work day. It was weird let's just say that. We went and weeded for a less active while she was at work (hehehe). We found a house with the number 2319 during finding time so we kept saying "WE HAVE A 2319!" I thought it was pretty great! We had a pretty awesome lesson with the Johnsons that night about the 2,000 Strippling Warriors. I love that story!

Tuesday: THE TEMPLE! It was awesome! We went down with 2 members and it was just the greatest experience! I love the temple so much. There are so many blessings we gain by going to the temple.

Wednesday: District Council was great! We talked about Christlike Attributes and how important it is to develop them. If we want to be witnesses of Christ we should strive to have His attributes. Finding time was neat because we had planned people in but it was like we had to have planned them in so we could actually go see some other people that were on the way. It was inspired!

Thursday: We had a lesson with some of our friends the Belkonens. It was awesome! We read the introduction to the Book of Mormon and you could feel the Spirit that was there. It was just awesome! We also had a lesson with our friend Jason too and we talked about the Book of Mormon as well. The Spirit was so strong too! We had some members there as well and they shared their testimonies of the Book of Mormon and it was just so powerful! It was such an amazing experience! Now let me explain my subject line. We were on our way home from a member lesson and we got a call from our Zone Leaders. One of the Zone Leaders told me to had the phone to Sis Cluff and then he said "Sis Cluff will you tell Sis Twede she's training next transfer" AHHHHHHHHHHH!! Yup I'm training! I'm so scared, excited, nervous and all the things! 

Friday: So because I got a trainers call I went down to the mission office with another sister in my zone who got a trainers call as well and had a meeting with most of the trainers. It was so awesome though! We got to see all the new missionaries coming in and we talked about how important a good trainer is (no pressure haha). It was a really good meeting and it helped calm my nerves a little. So that was most of the day. By the time we got home it was about 6pm so we went and visited a member family and then did weekly planning the rest of the night.

Sisters at Trainers' Meeting

Fanny Pack Friday

Saturday: GENERAL CONFERENCE!!  First off Elder Holland is amazing and when he starts off Conference you know it's going to be good! We watched with a member family and that was so fun! I absolutely loved everything that was talked about. I'm so excited for the changes that are being made and the temples that are on their way! I love the focus of the Savior and making Him the center of our lives. That is so important for these coming days so start today!

Sunday: Another amazing day of Conference. We went to another member's house for it and had such a good time. I'm so sad it over and I'm already pumped for next Conference! President Nelson leaving everyone on a cliffhanger! We had dinner with the Millards and we just talked about Conference the whole time and all the things that were talked about. I am so grateful we have a prophet to help guide us through these troubling times.

Well, that was pretty much the week folks. I just want to tell you how important it is for us to heed the words of our leaders. Danger is all around us and it's only getting worse so we must listen to our leaders and do the things they ask of us without hesitation. We must make Christ the center and focus of our lives so that when the danger comes in we can stand firm and fight back. I know President Nelson is called of God and I know that if we follow his words we need not fear. I love the gospel and the strength it gives us everyday of our lives. I love you all and hope y'all have a great week!!

Kia Kaha
Sister Twede

A Neat View

Another Neat View

The District

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

A Quick One

Family and Friends!

Well I don't have a whole lot of time. We went to the temple today which was amazing! But I just wanted to share my testimony with you all.

I had an experience that made me realize how mindful our Heavenly Father is of each and everyone of us. I know that He puts people in place to help us and let us know we are loved. He loves each and everyone of us and needs us as well to reach His children that He can't. I know He know us personally and is watching over us. He loves you and cares for you. Don't be afraid to reach out to others as well because they may be asking Him for help and its through you that He can help them. I love you all and hope y'all have an amazing week!

Kia Kaha
Sister Twede

Seattle Temple

Pretty Sunset


Exchange Dinner with Sister Ruden

Me and Sister Inskeep

We found a lost dog

Fanny Pack Friday