Monday, May 25, 2020


Family and Friends!

Well this week was a wild one here in Washington!

- We called 911 this week
- We had some good member lessons
- The weather is starting to warm up just a tad!
- The Chick-Fil-A in Marysville opened!

Ok story time! So, yes, we called 911 this week. But just to let you know, no one was hurt or dying or anything. We woke up Thursday morning and Sister Snowder could faintly smell gas in the apartment but didn't think too much about it. We went on our run and as soon as we walked inside after we were done, our whole apartment smelt super strong of gas, like propane! We grabbed Sister Snowder's phone and went back outside and tried calling several of our leaders. Our district leader answered but he was no help. We tried calling the zone leaders like 4x, our housing coordinators didn't answer either, we even tried BOTH assistants and neither of them answered! So we weren't sure what to do. We called the district leader again and told him no one was answering. He told us to call the fire department. So we called the number for the fire department, but they weren't going to answer unless it was an emergency. So, we called 911. The lady picked up and said "911 what is the address of your emergency?" Sis Snowder: "Oh, um, well one second, we are in a weird situation and don't actually know our address, so let us look it up."

Hahaha! I was so dead! We told the lady what the situation was and she said that they would get the fire department over there to check it out. They came, no sirens or lights, just cruisin' on in. They told us we didn't have any gas things in our apartment and to just open the doors and windows. We mentioned that we were missionaries. One of the guys said that he didn't think that girls came on missions. So we talked to him about it for a quick second, but then he had to leave. That all happened before 8AM! Then the zone leaders and assistants called us back and we told them what happened haha!

Now on a more serious note, something that has been on my mind a lot lately is change. It's something that none of us can avoid no matter how hard we try. I was reading a talk by President Thomas S. Monson titled "Finding Joy in the Journey". There were two parts that really hit me.
1. "Time never stands still; it must steadily march on, and with the marching come the changes."
2. He quotes from the musical "The Music Man". "You pile up enough tomorrows, and you’ll find you’ve collected a lot of empty yesterdays." "My brothers and sisters, there is no tomorrow to remember if we don’t do something today."

Those two parts really hit me because everyday we have a chance to change, we have another opportunity to make it a great day. But if we are so stuck on just waiting out the storm and staying where we are, we will look back and wish we did something more. I have been guilty of this time and time again, but it's never too late to start. So make today a great day! Make today a tomorrow to remember! Find joy in the little things! Once we can master that there is no storm that can take that away from us.

I love and miss you all and hope you had a great week! Sorry this one was kind of long, but hope it made you laugh and stuff!

Kia Kaha!
Sister Twede:)

Waiting for the fire department in the rain.

The zone leaders brought us Chick-Fil-A

Mixing it up a bit!

Zoom comp study!!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Service and Stuff

Family and friends!

Hey y'all! We are on day 62 of quarantine here in good ol' Washington. This week not much happened, but what did happen was pretty good!

- We had the opportunity to go do service at Salvation Army on Friday and Saturday for 6 hrs! It was so great! We got to see so many of the other missionaries and I feel like I know no one now😂.
- We finally got in contact with our friend Nolan! We haven't heard from him in a couple weeks.
- We have seen more blue skies lately! Summer is coming!

Spiritual juices:
Yesterday we had a lesson with Sis Snowder's brother and cousin and we talked about faith and read in Ether 12. I love this chapter because it is all about faith. In verses 6-20 it talks a lot about how we "receive no witness until after the trial of your faith" (verse 6) and then it lists examples from the Book of Mormon. So it talks about all these things that are possible through faith and then the very last verse in the chapter says:
"41 And now, I would commend you to seek this Jesus of whom the prophets and apostles have written, that the grace of God the Father, and also the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, which beareth record of them, may be and abide in you forever. Amen."

So if you think about what faith is, it's trusting in Jesus Christ and acting on that trust. In order to trust someone, we have to know who they are. And I love that this last verse says "seek this Jesus". Seek this Jesus that brought about miracles. Learn about this Jesus that can do miracles in your life because the more you come to know who He is, the more you will be able to trust Him and the more you will be able to act on that trust and see miracles in your life.

I love you all and hope you have the best week! The Church is true and the book is blue!

Kia Kaha
Sister Twede:)

100% recommend the Wonder Woman Cookie Collision from Dairy Queen!

Other missionaries!

Fanny Pack Friday!!

More Service

District pic IN PERSON!!!

Monday, May 11, 2020

"Did I Really Used to Be That White?!"-Sis. Snowder

Family and Friends!

Hey everybody! How are y'all holding up? I hope it's been good a good week! Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there! This week was wild!

- There were 0 clouds and warm weather for like 3 days this week! So, naturally, we were outside as much as possible which resulted some sunburns, but two happy, no longer pasty white missionaries.😂
- We taught a guy who lives in Australia! We found him through one of our Facebook pages and he seems really interested in the gospel! We had a lesson with him and we talked about so much and invited him to read the Book of Mormon and he said "Yeah! I'll give it a read!" So Woot Woot!
- We got 20 new missionaries on Wednesday and are going to get I think 14 more tomorrow! Crazy stuff!

Spiritual juices:
What I want to share this week comes from something I read in my studies this week. I somehow happened to read about the story of Jesus healing the blind man in John 9 and his disciples ask him in verse 2 "Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?" And I love what the Savior says in verse 3 in response. He says: "Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him."
We all are given trials that we don't understand why we have to go though them, I have had these as well. But this scripture, I feel, helps us understand that at those times we are able to see the hand of God in our life. As we allow our Savior to come into our lives and cleanse us of our spiritual blindness and we will be able to see miracles in our lives.

That's all I got for this week y'all! The Church is true, the book is blue and Christ lives. Feel free to email me updates of what's happening in your life! Love and miss you all!

Kia Kaha,
Sister Twede:)


Gonna be a great day!

Blue Skies!

Little sunburn

Fanny Pack Friday!

District Virtual Birthday Party!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Discipleship and Stuff

Family and friends,

Hey y'all! Well, this was probably our last somewhat "normal" week in quarantine. We found out on Tuesday that we will be receiving 20 new missionaries this Wednesday! 5 that were already coming and 15 reassigned! And then we are going to get 14 more reassigned missionaries the next week and probably more each week until who knows when! So crazy exciting stuff is happening!!

But anyway, 4 high points for the week:
1. We had two awesome lessons with out friend Tyson on Tuesday and Friday! He is so ready!
2. He joined in on one of our ward members family's Come Follow Me discussion. One of the family members asked him how he feels his relationship with God has changed since he's been learning about the gospel and he said he definitely feels a presence! So awesome!
3. We got to go drive around for 3 hrs to pick up mileage logs from our whole zone on Friday. That was super nice!
4. The other sisters in our district brought us cookie dough ice cream! (For those who don't know that is my all time favorite!)

Spiritual Stuff: Ok, if any of you didn't watch the worldwide devotional last night, you should all go watch it! Young adult or not GO WATCH IT! It was amazing and we all can learn something from it. So much in that devotional hit my like a ton of bricks. Bjut the biggest thing that really hit me (that for some reason hasn't until now) was that becoming a disciple, becoming truly converted, is a process. Becoming like our Savior isn't like taking a magic pill and then boom! You're perfect. Yeah no, if it was like that none of us would be here. Every single day we get the opportunity to change, to better ourselves, to get up and brush the dirt off and keep moving forward. Everyday we are given that opportunity but it's up to us to actually take it. So take the opportunity! Try your best and He will meet you where you're at. He descended below all things so He could raise us above all things. I love my Savior and I know He lives. I know He will never forsake us!

I love and miss you all and hope you have the best week! Keep your girl updated on your lives!

Kia Kaha
Sister Twede:)

We use our outside time wisely:).

I look ratchet, but it's Fanny Pack Friday!

Sunday selfie

Quote for the week