Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Turkey Day!

 Family and friends!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I can't believe it is already Thanksgiving again! This year has been a wild one to say the least! But this week on social media I have seen that we still have so much to be thankful for! We always have had so much to be grateful for!

There was quote I heard from another missionary this past week that said "My sorrows have out numbered my joys but my joys have out weighed my sorrows.". I absolutely love this because it's so true. All throughout life we can see that the hardships and trials have definitely out numbered our victories or our happy days. But as we turn our focus to those little victories and the tender mercies the hard times won't matter. 

Today marks 17 months since I left my family, friends, life plans, and dreams behind and headed into the unknown. Seventeeen months ago I had no idea what I was getting myself into. There have been a lot of hard days. Days where no one would talk to us, we would get yelled at or get bashed on Facebook. There were nights were I had never cried so hard or I wondered what on earth I'm doing with my life. But let me tell you something, even amidst all those hard things, I look back with so much gratitude in my heart. It was during those hard times that I learned to pray harder than ever before, to trust in Lord, to love others unconditionally. I learned who Jesus Christ is to me. I'm so grateful for every single day of my mission and all I've learned. There is nowhere else I'd rather be and no greater thing I could be doing with my life. I know Jesus Christ lives and I am forever indebted to Him because He truly has given me everything. 

I love you all and hope you have the best Thanksgiving ever and eat lots of food! Love you all!

Let God Prevail 

Kia Kaha

Sister Twede:)

June 26, 2019

November 26, 2020

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